The moment in time when a goal is achieved takes mere seconds, minutes, hours at most. The process that gets us there takes days, weeks, months, years, even decades. Therefore, the process of achieving our goals is far more time-consuming than the moments in which they are actually accomplished.
How great it felt for me to walk up on stage and be handed my diploma at my SUNY Albany undergraduate graduation! Yet, had I spent those four years with my head buried in textbooks at all times, solely focused on those three seconds of my life, I would have missed out on four incredible years of adventure!
How amazing it felt to return to New York after completing a seven-month trip around the world! Yet, could you imagine how much I would have missed out on had I plowed through each country, focusing solely on the completion of the journey and forgetting to enjoy each epic experience along the way?
Rather than being fixated solely on the final destination, let's ensure we are enjoying the ride that gets us there! I encourage you, right now, to think about the goals you've set for your life. Now think about the journey these goals have taken you on. Are you enjoying the ride?