Most people like routine. This is not a bad thing, rather a simple fact that you can probably attest to yourself. If you are comfortable, there is no need for change, right? WRONG.
When you dare to take a risk and go out on a limb, the rewards will come RAINING down. By putting yourself in unknown and new situations, you are forced to adapt and grow in ways you never imagined possible because your body and mind are challenged on multiple levels. Swim with the rest of the fish, or swim against the current? You make the decision.
When you dare to take a risk and go out on a limb, the rewards will come RAINING down. By putting yourself in unknown and new situations, you are forced to adapt and grow in ways you never imagined possible because your body and mind are challenged on multiple levels. Swim with the rest of the fish, or swim against the current? You make the decision.