I have found myself surrounded by selfless people since the day my weebly-wobbly head popped out into the oxygen this world provides us with. My mother is a prime example of this, always making sure that I am well-fed (stuffed) and refuses to sit down and eat until everyone at the table is served. It appears that all whom I have strong relationships with share this attitude, and know to expect the same from me...do you think this is a coincidence? NO! This is because we find and form relationships with people in this lifetime who emulate similar qualities and value similar things as us.
I find it quite honorable and worthy of praise that some human beings devote their ENTIRE LIVES to helping others. While we must of course take care of ourselves, ensuring that we have the basic items needed to live (food, water, shelter, etc.) some people worry more about assuring that others have these things before themselves. This is a special trait and one of great rarity; who do YOU look out for in this life?
I find it quite honorable and worthy of praise that some human beings devote their ENTIRE LIVES to helping others. While we must of course take care of ourselves, ensuring that we have the basic items needed to live (food, water, shelter, etc.) some people worry more about assuring that others have these things before themselves. This is a special trait and one of great rarity; who do YOU look out for in this life?